Here is a list of groovey people (some of them you might even wish to call "funky") who have important sounding titles, making them prime targets at which you can direct any questions or comments you might have about WCF. However, in case you're a strange breed of cat that would like a prompt response, we suggest that you don't just randomly select someone to address your question/complaint to. But rather you select someone in the conveniently labled category that your question/snide remark might fall under. If you can't find a category that your question/cry of outrage might fall under, then maybe you should just select someone randomly to send it to. (note- the webmaster of this site will not be accepting snide remarks or cries of outrage, so don't bother sending them.)
Presidental Duties
Small Groups/Bible Studies
Outreach Coordination
Large Group
New Student Orientation
Wacky Ideas